In the world of fitness, strength is not only measured by the ability to lift heavy weights but also by the ability to generate power and explosiveness. This type of training not only enhances athletic performance but also has functional benefits for daily life. Today, we will explore the concept of neuromuscular plasticity and how […]
In this article, I aim to address misconceptions regarding the mechanical characteristics of acceleration in sprinting. We will analyze concrete data based on measurements from force platforms, which are considered the gold standard in biomechanics. By comparing three different types of exercises, we can better understand how ground reaction forces affect acceleration and sprinting performance. […]
En el mundo del fitness, la fuerza no solo se mide por la capacidad de levantar grandes pesos, sino también por la capacidad de generar potencia y explosividad. Este tipo de entrenamiento no solo mejora el rendimiento deportivo, sino que también tiene beneficios funcionales para la vida diaria. Hoy, exploraremos el concepto de la plasticidad […]
The Importance of Motor Skill Acquisition In the area of sports training, understanding how motor skills are acquired and adapted is essential for developing effective programs that optimize athlete performance. In a recent interview with Frans Bosch, author of the influential book “The Anatomy of Agility,” key concepts that every coach should consider were discussed. […]
Understanding Tendon Extensibility Tendon extensibility is a fundamental capacity for our movement and susceptibility to injuries, especially in the context of sports performance. This property refers to the ability of the tendon to lengthen under tension, something crucial in explosive movements. A tendon rupture does not occur solely due to overstretching; it is an overstretching […]
Entrevista con Frans Bosch En el ámbito del entrenamiento deportivo, la comprensión de cómo se adquieren y adaptan las habilidades motoras es fundamental para desarrollar programas efectivos que optimicen el rendimiento de los atletas. En una reciente entrevista con Frans Bosch, autor del influyente libro “The Anatomy of Agility”, se abordaron conceptos esenciales que todo […]
La Ciencia Detrás del Entrenamiento de los Tendones Cuando pensamos en mejorar la movilidad, rara vez consideramos los ejercicios pliométricos y el sprint como métodos eficaces. Sin embargo, estos ejercicios tienen un impacto significativo en nuestra capacidad de movimiento, especialmente en el contexto del rendimiento deportivo. Hoy quiero hablar sobre un aspecto crucial que a […]
In this article, we will address common misconceptions about the mechanical characteristics of sprint acceleration. We’ll analyze concrete data based on measurements with force platforms, which are the gold standard in biomechanics. By comparing three different types of exercises, we can better understand how ground reaction forces affect acceleration and sprint performance. Analysis of Force […]
1. Contact Distance, Contact Time, and Vertical Force To begin, we examine the relationship between contact distance, contact time, and vertical force requirements. During the ground contact phase, the contact excursion angle is the total angle traveled by the leg. For most runners, this angle varies between 50 and 60 degrees, or approximately one radian. […]
Biomechanics of Directional Changes in Sports In the sports realm, the ability to change direction swiftly is essential for athletes’ performance across various disciplines. Over the past 20 years, multiple researchers have explored and classified directional change types, contributing to a deeper understanding of the biomechanics involved. In this article, we will delve into the […]