
Stiffness and its Relationship with Ground Reaction Forces During Sprinting

Sprinting is one of the most intense forms of exercise in athletics, where maximum speed generation and movement efficiency are crucial. One fundamental aspect that influences performance during sprinting is muscular stiffness, or “stiffness.” This article explores how muscular stiffness affects ground reaction forces (GRF) during sprinting and why this is relevant for physical trainers […]


Biomechanical Attractors in Sprint Technique

Sprinting is a fundamental discipline in athletics, characterized by high-speed, precise technical execution. In the biomechanical study of this technique, biomechanical attractors play a crucial role in describing how movement patterns stabilize for optimal performance. These attractors represent stable movement patterns that emerge from the interaction between biomechanical forces and the individual characteristics of the […]


Biomechanical Attractors in Direction Change Technique

In sports like soccer, basketball, and rugby, the ability to make quick and effective direction changes is crucial for performance and competitive advantage. Direction change technique involves a complex interaction of body movements that must be executed efficiently to maximize speed and control. In this context, biomechanical attractors are stable movement patterns that help understand […]


Spine and Core Stability

Thirty years ago, Dr. Stuart McGill revolutionized the understanding of spinal injury mechanics through videofluoroscopy studies, observing how joints behave during competitive lifts. One of his most significant findings was filming an injury caused by an instability event, known as “buckling.” Muscle Strength and Stiffness Muscle activation generates both strength and stiffness, where strength produces […]

Artículos de Interés

Stuart McGill

Columna Vertebral y la Estabilidad del Núcleo Hola a todos, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunos conceptos fundamentales sobre la estabilidad de la columna vertebral y la estabilidad del núcleo, basados en las enseñanzas del Dr. Stuart McGill, uno de los principales expertos en biomecánica de la columna vertebral. Estas ideas son esenciales para entender […]


Analyzing Movement in Sports: The Importance of Stability and Variability

In the world of sports training, understanding how the human body moves is crucial for optimizing performance and preventing injuries. Today, I want to share some concepts about the importance of stability and variability in practice to develop efficient movement patterns. The Importance of Stability Stability in movements is the body’s ability to maintain control […]


Acceleration in Sprinting and Ground Reaction Forces

In this article, I aim to address misconceptions regarding the mechanical characteristics of acceleration in sprinting. We will analyze concrete data based on measurements from force platforms, which are considered the gold standard in biomechanics. By comparing three different types of exercises, we can better understand how ground reaction forces affect acceleration and sprinting performance. […]

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