In the realm of strength training and physical fitness, drop jumps and their variations play a crucial role. These exercises focus on the eccentric phase of the jump, where muscles elongate under load before an explosive contraction. Evolving with technology, they now benefit from real-time monitoring of muscle and tendon behavior. Optimizing Muscle Efficiency Studies […]
Recovering from an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury requiresa careful focus on eccentric strength and tendon stiffness. These aspects arevital for restoring knee stability and preventing future injuries. Loss ofeccentric strength during injury can lead to muscle inhibition and atrophy,affecting stabilization capacity during activities like deceleration andlanding. Conversely, tendon stiffness, the resistance of tendon tissue […]
Preventing injuries and enhancing performance are crucial aspects for athletes aiming to excel in their sport. Two of the most common and concerning injuries are muscle injuries, especially in the hamstrings, and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Effectively addressing the prevention of these injuries involves understanding anatomy, the mechanisms involved, and designing specific training strategies. […]
1. Introducción:En el mundo del deporte, la capacidad de acelerar rápidamente puede marcar la diferencia entre la victoria y la derrota. Los primeros pasos de un atleta son cruciales para ganar impulso y alcanzar su máxima velocidad. En este blog, exploraremos la importancia de la aplicación adecuada de fuerza en los primeros pasos de aceleración […]
Cuando se lesiona el ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), la pérdida de fuerza excéntrica y el stiffness tendinoso son aspectos cruciales a considerar en la recuperación. Esta pérdida no solo afecta la capacidad de movimiento, sino que también tiene implicaciones profundas a nivel neuromuscular. Durante el proceso de recuperación, el cuerpo debe reajustar la activación muscular […]
En el vasto universo del entrenamiento de fuerza, un enigma siempre ha cautivado a atletas, entrenadores y científicos por igual: ¿cómo podemos maximizar la eficiencia y efectividad de nuestros entrenamientos para alcanzar nuestro potencial físico máximo? En este viaje hacia la comprensión más profunda de la fuerza y el movimiento, nos sumergimos en el fascinante […]
Understanding External Training Load Managing load in sports, especially in disciplines like football, is essential for optimizing athletes’ performance and preventing injuries. External load, comprising aspects such as total distance covered, accelerations and decelerations, high-intensity distance, sprint distance, and maximum speed, plays a fundamental role in this management. Components of External Load Management Controlling external […]
Unleashing Strength: The Power of Drop Jumps In the realm of strength training and physical conditioning, drop jumps and their variants, such as the split squat and lateral squat, play a pivotal role. These exercises focus on the eccentric phase of the jump, where muscles lengthen under load before executing an explosive concentric contraction. Evolving […]
En el mundo del deporte, el rendimiento óptimo y la prevención de lesiones son dos aspectos fundamentales para alcanzar el éxito a largo plazo. En este artículo, exploraremos la importancia del entrenamiento excéntrico unipodal del cuádriceps y el glúteo medio, destacando cómo puede mejorar tanto el rendimiento atlético como la salud musculoesquelética. ¿Qué es el […]
Injury prevention and performance enhancement are crucial aspects for athletes striving to excel in their sport. Two of the most common and concerning injuries are muscular injuries, especially in the hamstrings, and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Effectively addressing the prevention of these injuries involves understanding anatomy, mechanisms involved, and designing specific training strategies. Strengthening […]