
Specificity According to the Dynamic Systems Theory: An Approach to Optimize Sports Training

Hello Coaches, Today, let’s explore a game-changing concept for designing training programs: specificity from the perspective of the Dynamic Systems Theory (DST). While specificity is a cornerstone of sports training, DST adds a deeper, more nuanced understanding that directly impacts athlete performance. Here’s a breakdown of this innovative approach, how it diverges from traditional methods, […]

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La Teoría de los Sistemas Dinámicos: Un Nuevo Paradigma para el Entrenamiento Deportivo

Hola Profes, Hoy les traigo un tema que está revolucionando la manera en que entendemos el entrenamiento: la Teoría de los Sistemas Dinámicos (TSD). Este enfoque, cada vez más popular en el ámbito deportivo, nos ofrece herramientas valiosas para optimizar el rendimiento y preparar mejor a nuestros atletas frente a las demandas reales de la […]


Fascia and Training: Unlocking Performance and Preventing Injuries

Hello coaches, Today, let’s dive into a fascinating and often overlooked topic in the fitness world: fascia. This connective tissue has gained significant attention in recent years—and for good reason. Its impact on performance, mobility, and injury prevention is enormous. In this article, we’ll explore what fascia is, how it influences movement, and how we […]


Biotensegrity and Plyometric Training: Enhancing Movement Efficiency and Athletic Power

Hello coaches, Let’s talk about an exciting concept that bridges biology, biomechanics, and training: biotensegrity. This innovative framework gives us a new way to understand how the body moves, transfers forces, and maintains structural integrity. When combined with plyometric training, it opens up incredible opportunities to develop explosive power, prevent injuries, and improve overall athletic […]

Artículos de Interés

La fascia y el entrenamiento: La clave para potenciar el rendimiento y prevenir lesiones

Hola profes,Hoy vamos a sumergirnos en un tema fascinante y, a menudo, pasado por alto en el mundo del entrenamiento: la fascia. Este tejido conectivo ha ganado mucha atención en los últimos años, y no es para menos. Su impacto en el rendimiento, la movilidad y la prevención de lesiones es enorme. En este artículo, […]


Neuroscience Applied to Sports: An Approach for Coaches and Physiotherapists

Neuroscience applied to sports has emerged as a key field for improving athletic performance, optimizing recovery, and understanding how the mind influences the body during sports practice. While physical training has long been the primary focus in athlete preparation, it is now recognized that the brain plays a crucial role in every action, from decision-making […]


Applied Neurosciences in Sports: Optimizing Performance Through Brain Knowledge

Today, neurosciences play a fundamental role in sports performance. Understanding how the brain works and how it connects with the body is key to helping athletes reach their full potential. In this article, we will explore how advancements in brain studies and their interactions with the body can assist physical trainers and physiotherapists in improving […]

Artículos de Interés

Entrenamiento Isométrico: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber para Implementarlo en tu Trabajo

Hola Profes.El entrenamiento isométrico se ha consolidado en los últimos años como una de las metodologías más versátiles y efectivas en el mundo del entrenamiento físico. Desde su capacidad para desarrollar fuerza en poblaciones específicas hasta su aplicación en rehabilitación y deportes de alto rendimiento, los ejercicios isométricos ofrecen beneficios únicos que vale la pena […]


The Impact of Exercise and Nutrition on Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, and Aging

As we age, maintaining an active lifestyle and good nutrition not only helps us live longer but also improves our quality of life. Over the years, numerous studies have examined the benefits of a proper combination of exercise and nutrition for the human body, highlighting the importance of strengthening muscles, tendons, and ligaments to prevent […]


Training Tendons: Implications for Sprinting, Jumping, and Rehabilitation

Tendons play a fundamental role in athletic performance, especially in activities that require speed, jumping, and explosiveness. However, for many trainers and physiotherapists, the focus on tendon training and its importance in injury prevention is not always clear. In this conversation with Keith Baar, a researcher specializing in muscle and connective tissue physiology, we explore […]

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