La posición Trendelenburg es un término que se utiliza en el ámbito del rendimiento deportivo y la rehabilitación para describir una alteración en la postura y el patrón de movimiento en la cual la pelvis se desplaza hacia un lado durante la marcha o al realizar determinados movimientos. Esta posición anómala puede tener diversas causas […]
Los saltos con caída, como el drop jump y el deep jump, son ejercicios populares en el ámbito del entrenamiento de fuerza y acondicionamiento físico. Estos movimientos se centran en la fase excéntrica del salto, donde el músculo se alarga bajo carga antes de generar una contracción concéntrica explosiva. Este concepto de alargamiento sobre la […]
Here are the reference tables for the WheelerSpeed. If you have questions on how to interpret them, or what are you waiting to give us a call? Aqui estan los valores references para la WheelerSpeed. Si tienes alguna pregunta en como interpretarlas, ¿Que estas esperando para llamarnos? To see the social media post related to […]
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The purpose of this scientific research was to analyze the eccentric overload positive effect when added to a training program with an individualized load on the muscle-injury incidence and “severity and performance in junior elite soccer players”. In conclusion, the evidence shown in this article proves that eccentric-based training help reducing muscle- injury incidence and […]
This study compares the effects and benefits of flywheel equipment vs. traditional gravity training for hamstring and ACL injury prevention. Furthermore, This study was based on 18 recreational athletes during a 6 weeks protocol. Outcomes include a 10-second tuck jump assessment (TJA), landing knee valgus score, hamstring and quadriceps concentric and eccentric isokinetic 60 s […]
As a coach, AT, and PT, it is always important to keep learning and reinforcing methodologies and bases. In this case, we wanted to share with you this interesting article about the inertial flywheel knee and hip-dominant hamstring strength exercises in professional soccer players and how it affects muscle use and velocity-based eccentric overload. This […]
The efficacy of the Isoinertial training method is based on an accommodated resistance and optimal individualized eccentric overload. The following interesting article explains how the Isoinertial Eccentric overload training can be beneficial for young soccer players and how it affects their strength, change of direction, and even shooting precision! Extremely interesting and worth reading! The […]