El entrenamiento con saltos repetidos, conocido como “hopping”, es una modalidad ampliamente utilizada en la preparación física de deportistas. Este tipo de ejercicios no solo mejora el rendimiento en actividades explosivas, sino que también induce cambios importantes en la rigidez de las articulaciones, músculos y tendones, lo que puede tener un impacto significativo en la […]
When we talk about improving sprint performance, it’s essential to understand that it’s not just about running faster, but how the body can manage and generate force efficiently in a short period. In my experience working with athletes, one of the most determining factors in explosive speed is the ability to develop both reactive strength […]
The evaluation of performance in sprinter athletes has evolved significantly over time, especially in terms of their ability to maximize reactive strength. This aspect of training has been crucial in understanding how to optimize speed, power, and efficiency in explosive movements, such as drop jumps. In this article, I want to share, based on my […]
Strength training for children and adolescents has been a topic of controversy for many years due to concerns about its impact on growth and health. However, research, such as that presented by AD Faigenbaum in Clinics in Sports Medicine (2023), highlights the potential benefits and the necessary precautions to ensure that this practice is both […]
Strength training has traditionally been associated with increases in muscle power and performance. However, there is growing research suggesting that this type of training can also have a significant impact on the tendinous structures of the body. A study conducted by Kubo et al. (2001) in the Journal of Applied Physiology focuses specifically on the […]
En el mundo del rendimiento deportivo, la capacidad de los velocistas para generar fuerza rápida y eficiente es un factor clave para alcanzar la máxima velocidad. Uno de los mecanismos fundamentales detrás de esta capacidad es el ciclo de estiramiento-acortamiento (CEA), que permite a los atletas aprovechar la energía elástica almacenada en sus músculos y […]
Flywheel training has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its ability to effectively develop strength and power. In team sports, where explosive performance, acceleration, and the ability to change direction are key, this tool offers an efficient methodology to maximize athletes’ physical potential. However, to reap the greatest benefits from this type of […]
The development of explosive strength is a fundamental pillar for improving sports performance, and two of the most common methodologies for this purpose are plyometric training and weight training. These approaches have specific effects on the muscle-tendon complex (MTC), a key unit for force production and jumping ability. Below, we will analyze how each type […]
En el mundo del deporte, uno de los aspectos más discutidos y analizados es la planificación del entrenamiento. La periodización, un concepto desarrollado por científicos del deporte y entrenadores, ha demostrado ser una estrategia clave para optimizar el rendimiento, prevenir lesiones y alcanzar los picos de rendimiento en los momentos adecuados. Este artículo desglosa los […]