Wheeler CONE – Eccentric Machine




Eccentric overload training for performance, decrease in risk of injury, and rehabilitation. Great use for movement in all planes



The WheelerCone is a strength training system that operates through the resistance generated by a flywheel. Using the inertial methodology, you can engage in rehabilitation or training. In rehabilitation, you can conduct tests on isolated joint segments and evaluate performance in compound movements.

In functional rehabilitation and re-adaptation, you can use it to assess compound movements within sporting functions. In sports performance, you can utilize the isoinertial methodology to enhance an athlete’s ability to stop, accelerate, and change directions.

It also includes software where you can train and assess an athlete by measuring the values of strength, power, and speed performed by your athletes or patients in real time. Finally, you can export data to tables and graphs for easier interpretation.

It allows for the evaluation and training of:

  • Acceleration force.
  • Acceleration power.
  • Deceleration force.
  • Deceleration power.
  • Force imbalance.
  • Knee injury prevention.

Additional information




25.65 IN


15.7 IN


31.5 IN


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